Yogasite Team

5 nov 20203 minuten

Teacher Training nov & dec 2020

Dear all,

As you may know, the Corona guidelines have been changed since yesterday evening. No more than 2 people allowed in the studio for a class or training, so we're switching to a mostly online studio for the next two weeks!

We know many of you have been excited about this upcoming weekend, so we've been brainstorming about the best option for now. Two days of staring at your screen is not really yoga-proof, so we've found middle ground we hope you agree with. This Saturday, Dorinda will team up with Lisanne for some powerful Breathwork in the morning, which is no less powerful through Zoom. Make sure you find a quiet place in your house so you aren't disturbed. In the afternoon, Dorinda will go deeper into the Yoga Sutras with you. If you only want to participate for half a day, that's possible too.

We're moving the Sunday session up to Saturday December 19th. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us in any way, shape or form you prefer!

With love,

On behalf of the Yogasite team,

Ellen & Joost

Online Teacher Training with Robert

For these last two months of 2020 (where did the time go??!!), we have a few online moments with Robert planned in! First and foremost, we have the Friday evening sessions. So many of you have sent us positive feedback about these precious nights! For those of you that haven't participated yet: these online sessions with Robert are available for all TT students. Often the set-up is through Q&A, where Robert answers questions and from which beautiful 'non-linear' lectures evolve based on whatever comes up. 

Because the chance is slim to none that Robert will be able to visit Breda in December, we've decided to postpone his next visit to early 2021. Instead of his live presence here, we have planned two Sundays at Yogasite with Robert joining in through Livestream. Because of the time difference, we decided to start our day with a physical Pralaya Practice guided by an experienced Pralaya Yoga teacher. After that we will connect with Robert. If you yourself aren't able to join us onsite at Yogasite, it is also possible to join online from your own home. Whatever works best for you! 

Below you will find all dates. We hope you can join, in whichever way, shape or form!

Signing up for the Friday Lectures and Sunday TT days is possible and required. You can book through the agenda widget on our website or through the Eversports app (you find the lectures and events in 'Trainingen'). Any questions or having trouble signing up? Send us an e-mail and we're more than happy to help you out.

Friday 13th November 19:00 - 21:00 - Lecture
Friday 20th November 19:00 - 21:00 - Lecture
Sunday 29th November 13:00 - 21:00 - Practice, Advanced Energetics & Meditation
Sunday 20th December 13:00 - 21:00 - Practice, themes with Robert to be defined

Good to know

Extra TT day
We've got something really cool in store for you! Many of you have been asking for this for a while now, and we've finally managed to answer your call... ;) On Saturday 28th November, Bart Benschop & Ellen van der Valk (Pralaya yogis from the start) are teaching an extra TT day. And here's the kicker; the theme of this TT day is.... drumroll please.... POSTURES! Here's what Bart has to say about it:

"While developing your postures, you run into challenges. Sometimes you face what seems to be a limitation and you can't figure out what to do or how to move further into the pose. Other times you'll hurt yourself and the injury or pain causes restrictions in your body. On the TT day Postures, I'll focus on different postures and difficulties you might have run into in order to help you further in your practice; mentally and physically."

So, what are you waiting for? Reserve your spot for this day here! (scroll down to see the agenda and go to 28th of november).

Veda Ela

She's coming back! Instead of being here this fall, we've moved the dates with Ela up to spring of 2021. We're working out the last details as we speak. As soon as we have all of the information and dates for you, we'll send you a special newsletter to inform you. 

We're here for you. Have any questions, something to say, share or get off your chest? We've got you! No questions that can't be asked, no remark too direct. We adjust as we go, moving with what is needed and above all; we're open to hearing about your experiences and how you feel. So feel welcome. 
